New Information

Below is school-specific information related to open house/schedule pickup, etc. for the upcoming 2022-2023 school year!

Wed., August 17th - Pictures taken, resolve any Chromebook issues, Final Forms completion, Health Dept. hearing/vision checks (if needed), Schedule Pick up as follows: Seniors & *Sophomores - 1:00pm-3:00pm
*Juniors - 3:00pm-5:00pm
*Freshmen/New HS Students Orientation - 6:00pm-7:30pm (schedules will be available/distributed at the end of the parent meeting)
**Please call the HS Main Office between 8am-2:30pm at 419-294-2308 with any questions or concerns. Please understand school administration/secretaries may not be back at this time. They will be onsite for sure starting Aug. 8th!

USMS (6th-8th):
*Open House/Schedule Pick-up - Fri., Aug. 19th, 8:00am-12:00pm and 1:00pm-3:00pm for 7th & 8th grade students
*Open House/Schedule Pick-up - Thurs., Aug. 18th, 4:00pm-5:00pm for 6th grade & new MS students
**Please call the MS Main Office between 8am-2:30pm at 419-294-5721 with any questions or concerns. Please understand school administration/secretaries may not be back at this time. They will be onsite for sure starting Aug. 8th!

East ES:
Open House - Tues., August 23rd, 5:00pm-6:00pm
**Please call the East Main Office between 8am-2:30pm at 419-294-2396 with any questions or concerns. Please understand school administration/secretaries may not be back at this time. They will be onsite for sure starting Aug. 8th!

South ES:
Open House - Tues., August 23rd, 6:00pm-7:00pm
**Please call the South Main Office between 8am-2:30pm at 419-294-2304 with any questions or concerns. Please understand school administration/secretaries may not be back at this time. They will be onsite for sure starting Aug. 8th!

Union ES (K-5):
Open House - Tues., August 23rd, 5:00pm-6:00pm
**Please call the Union Main Office between 8am-2:30pm at 419-294-5721 with any questions or concerns. Please understand school administration/secretaries may not be back at this time. They will be onsite for sure starting Aug. 8th!

Please make sure you have logged into Final Forms and completed all your 2022-2023 school forms...mandatory!

Thank you!